A major reason I chose a teaching job was for the comic relief. Kids, in general, are hilarious. They are spontaneous and creative and have refreshingly absurd viewpoints on life. Kids keep me smiling.
Today I took my class to the computer lab during Language Arts. They have been writing Robot Invention stories and this was the day for them to type their masterpieces. The assignment was to write a story about inventing a robot, and I wanted them to be descriptive. They needed to tell me what each part of the robot was made from and how that part would function. Luckily for me, all of the students have been enthusiastic about the assignment.
I have been looking forward to reading their completed work. Traveling from computer to computer, I perused each student’s story. I was impressed at the effort and proud of all their creative ideas. There were many smiles in the room, but when I reached Robbie’s computer I found myself choking back laughter.
By: Robbie
The streets flooded and I was trapped in my garage with nowhere to go. I said in anger to myself, “I guess I will just have to wait it out. You know what the weather man said- it would be hot and sunny today. But he’s always a liar.” As I looked around in my garage, I remembered that this used to be a military science site. On the floor I saw some green toxic goo. I knew it was toxic because of the horrible smell and because it had burnt part of the floor.
I took a step towards the toxic goo, to touch it to see how it felt. As I touched the goo, my hand fell off and blood splattered everywhere!
CRASH! I fell through a hole in the floor onto more toxic waste. My back was badly burned. After two hours of being under my garage, in complete pain, I decided to taste the toxic waste.
I took a little dab and put it in my mouth. After five minutes, I sure enough found out that the goo made your brain super smart. Even smarter than God himself!
I reached out and felt the wall. By the wet, rough, and bumpy wall I could tell I was in a cave. I looked out into the distance of the cave and saw a blinking green light. I walked towards the green light and to my surprise I saw a bone-skinny, burnt scientist!
That’s where I stopped reading; Robbie hadn’t had a chance to type any more. His story did not appear to have anything to do with a robot, but it did show me that he knows how to use descriptive writing- which was the goal of the assignment. Besides, he made me laugh, so the kid can do no wrong.
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