107- Rejected Donations

I arrived to school this morning to discover the following email at the top of my inbox…

Teacher, I got your email last Friday about collecting donations for Demarcus and his family. What a tragedy. I spoke with Principal and unfortunately, she believes that there is nothing the school can do for the boy. Wish I could have delivered better news.
-Mr. Thorpe

I reread this message several times. I felt stunned. What was the big deal? How hard could it be to put out a box and ask people to bring in donations? I’m sure plenty of families would want to help. I didn’t see any sense in not trying at all.
This incident makes me question Principal’s integrity. She strolls around the school, preaching kindness like she’s holier than Mother Teresa, but when it comes time to deal with a real student tragedy- Principal tucks her tail between her legs and hides. She ought to be ashamed of herself.
Later that morning, when I saw the vacant look of an exhausted and frozen Demarcus enter my classroom, I knew that I wouldn’t be able to resist helping the child. One way or another, I am going to do something the help that kid.

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