37- Mr. Love

Mr. Love, the school custodian, has become a workplace friend of mine. We usually chat after school. He likes to listen to the same radio station that I do, so he usually cranks up the volume on his boom-box when he’s working on my hall. We share jokes and talk about sports. Mr. Love is a good man. He talks proudly about his children and about the dreams he has for his family.
I was given advice to befriend the school custodian, but I’m sure Mr. Love and I would have hit it off regardless of this advice. Although, I should admit that his camaraderie has pulled me some favors that other teachers do not receive. For example, there is a locked supply room on our hallway. The room is filled with supplies a teacher may need; extra textbooks, construction paper, poster board, staples, desks, etc. The supplies are available for all teachers to use, but everything must be approved by an administrator before it can leave the room. When a teacher is in dire need of an extra textbook, waiting around for an administrator to come unlock the supply room is a pain in the ass. Thanks to my pal, Mr. Love, all I have to do is give him a quick call and the supply room is unlocked within minutes. He makes my teacher-life easier, and in return I bring him leftover brownies I’ve made from home.
We have a beautiful relationship.

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