65- Rat Poison

The bulletin board contest is in full swing. Teachers have already started setting up the backdrops to their gorgeous creations. They’re just dying to win those gift certificates to Sonic. Cheap, greasy food and fattening milkshakes is just what we need to kick off the holiday season.
I have heard rumors that the First Grade teachers are planning to attach blinking Christmas lights to their boards, so when you walk down their hall, you’ll feel like you’re on 42nd Street in New York City. I wouldn’t be surprised if they posted a few children out to pose as prostitutes.
I have been a little worried about my student, Ashleigh, because she hasn’t been to school since Monday. Ashleigh’s mom is the type who takes school very seriously, so after three days, I worried that the child was very ill. I planned to call home today, during my Planning Period, to find out if everything was all right.
Luckily, Ashleigh arrived at school a few minutes past the tardy bell this morning. She was escorted, hand in hand, by her mother. Upon sight of her classmates, Ashleigh’s tough, tomboy demeanor surfaced. She pried her hand out of her mother’s, straightened her Boston Red Sox sweatshirt, and strutted into the classroom.
“HI, TEACHER!” Ashleigh announced herself loudly.
“Hello, Ashleigh!” I made a big fuss about the little girl being back at school. Kids need to feel like they have been missed. “How are you? We missed you so much. It’s good to see you back.” I hugged her and ruffled her hair.
Ashleigh grinned wildly, showing off two missing front teeth. “I ATE RAT POISON AND LIVED!” The tomboy announced to the class.
Her classmates were ecstatic. “Cool,” they yelled.
Ashleigh’s best partner in crime, Hannah, ran over to her friend and gave her a high five.
I glanced over in the direction of Ashleigh’s mom, who sent me I’ll-Have-To-Explain-Later looks with her eyes.
I allowed Ashleigh a couple minutes to answer her classmate’s questions.

Hannah: How did it taste?
Ashleigh: (Sincere) Kinda fizzy and yuck.
Robbie: Did you meet the Grim Reaper?
Ashleigh: (Confused) Huh?
Josh: Did you die and then go to Hell to meet Satan?
Ashleigh: (Annoyed) No.
Francesca: What kind of person eats rat poison?
Ashleigh: (Offended.) Any true Red Sox fan would gladly eat rat poison! Gosh.
I ended the interview there.

Apparently, Ashleigh’s older brother had forced her to eat rat poison. He told her that if she did not eat it, he would make her wear his New York Yankees socks for the rest of the year. Ashleigh, a loyal Boston fan, downed several spoonfuls of rat poison before her mother figured out what was happening. The girl was rushed to the hospital, where they pumped her stomach and then kept her under observations for two days. Ashleigh’s mom then kept her at home for an additional day, “just in case.” I used this opportunity as a “teachable moment” to talk to the children about the importance of exercising good judgment.

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